Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Grass is Always Greener!!! Or is it?

I was reminded today of a time when my life was confusing and I felt so lost. Matter of fact I think I felt lost and confused for the first 30 years of my life. The grass always looked greener on the other side. The next job, or dress, or boyfriend, or husband, or child, or friend..would make me happy, finally! But nothing ever really seemed to satisfy me. I knew deep down and longed for true happiness and peace. I knew it existed, and thought just not for me. If you are feeling that way today I want you to know there is an answer.

If by chance you are reading this today and are feeling overwhelmed or lost, please know that you are not here by an accident. There is a God and he does care for you. That is why you are reading this. And don't let the enemy tell that "here she goes again" with that Jesus stuff. That is a lie. You know that you want to be at peace and walk in the green grass just as much as you want to breath or eat. You are lost because you choose to be. You are confused because you choose to be. God wants you to know that he created you for a purpose. A clear beautiful purpose. So many young people (and old too) are so angry and frustrated. The have more material things and wealth then most humans that walk the earth today. If you are an American you are so blessed with the necessities of life that you live better then most. But still you are angry why? You choose be. If you where to truly examine your life and understand and appreciate all that you have been "blessed" with, you might just want to show some gratitude to someone or something. Not and attitude of disgust. Besides, negativity and disgust will never get you anywhere except for more anger and disgust!

The solution is simple, open up your mind and heart and just for once thank God for a change. There are many wonderful things a round you that are so beautifully designed just for you. Oxygen for example is an amazing thing, with out it you die. God has created a perfect world where oxygen is abundant. Just for you. I could go on and on of the things created just for you. If you have more questions or would ever want to talk please just send me a message or call. No judgment here. I just did things the wrong way so much there isn't anything that I haven't done that you haven't done or something like that. I learned the hard way how to appreciate all the good things in my life. I would love to talk with you about your anger or whatever is bothering you. There are answers..I promise!